Clog shoes, quite popular in the 1970s, are making a huge comeback today. They are defined by their general shape. They usually have open backs and can be easily slipped on or off. The traditional clog was made of wood and had either a rounded or slightly pointy toe that are slightly upturned. These are fashioned after the traditional little Dutch wooden clogs. The popularity of clogs is likely due to the fact that they are very comfortable.
Clogs offer women the ease of just slipping your foot into your shoe and being on your way. Many women also love the fact that they can wear a breezy clog in the warmer weather without worrying about people seeing their toes like a sandal or making their feet sweaty the way an athletic shoe does. Clogs are very versatile shoes that can go from one season to the next and one activity to the next effortlessly and with style.
Women can be found wearing traditional clogs with wood and leather, suede covered clogs, or even garden clogs. Many gardeners love to wear plastic clogs in their garden because they are so easy to wash off and can be worn over and over again. Canvas clogs are gaining in popularity as well. This type of clog looks like a backless tennis shoe and gives the best of both worlds keeping the comfort level while being a great casual shoe choice.
Some men are hesitant to begin wearing clogs. Traditionally only women wore them, which can in and of itself be a deterrent for many men. Those brave enough to give them a try, however, end up loving them. Clogs for men can be very masculine. They are a lot like sandals in many ways. They come in brown or black and can be made of leather or rubber. Where womens clogs often have a chunky heel, clogs for men usually do not. Many men prefer to wear clogs with closed backs.
More and more we are seeing medical clogs being used in hospitals and other medical facilities. Medical clogs have thick rubber soles and rubber uppers as well. These are perfect for nurses, doctors, and other medical staff, because they protect the staffs feet from germs and potentially hazardous materials on the floor. They can also be cleaned and disinfected very quickly and easily, which is an important advantage. Another advantage is the sure footing they get with the rubber clog to prevent slipping on a freshly mopped floor.
Clog shoes are not only functional, but they are also very versatile as well. You can wear them with jeans, pants, or shorts. They may not be the best choice with dresses or skirts, but there is always that an exception if you try hard enough. They are arguably the best shoe for gardening and other household projects and they can easily be cleaned under the hose or in the sink when they become dirty.
Gregg Hall is an author living with his beautiful wife and family in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about clog shoes as well as designer shoes at http://www.designershoesplus.com
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