Celebrity hair styles are glamorous, but how do you find the one that's right for you. One approach, is to bring a picture or pictures of the celebrity you have in mind to your stylist. Generally speaking a long narrow face is well suited to a wide style, while a round face will look better with a soft textured style. A good criteria to narrow your search is length, is your hair short medium or long. Curly, straight, or wavy are other factors to consider. The stylist can probably provide additional advice based on the picture and your own features. Be sure the stylist understands the amount of time you devote to your hair care. Celeberties may have a stylist at their beck and call, but all us regular folk have real jobs and lives to attend to.
If you really want to have some fun, you could upload your picture to a website and try all kinds of different hairstyles right now.
Blondes Do Have More Fun . . . Really?
Are all those blondes really blond. Is it really worth all the time and effort trying to keep up with those dark roots. Just think of all those blonde wannabes with with all the dry damaged hair from too many dye jobs. There are plenty of celebrity hair styles that are truly great looking, but not blonde. Why not find one that's almost your hair color, and just go with it.
Celebrity Beauties
What is it that makes celebrity hair styles so coveted by so many? Is it their their glamorous life styles, the characters they portray in movies and tv, or just their radiant beauty, that attracts us so? Whatever the reason, at the very least it's a great starting place for a new look. After all, they do have the best in the business tweaking and fussing over their flowing locks. Just try to remember, that having the hair of the bold and beautiful won't make you an instant movie star, but it can make you a better looking you.
Boldness is Beautiful
Be bold when making your choice. Go for tantalizing curls like Halle Berry. Does Angelina Jolie seem more your style, with her sleek, romantic, timeless look. Maybe a younger look like Keira Knightley. Her crop is chic, and fun with a slight hint of danger spiced in. Surprise your friends and family with the new bold you. And while your at it, you may even surprise yourself. Who knows who will notice?
Looking Good
Once you've finally made the plunge, and leave the stylist with that new celebrity hair look, don't rush things. It may take a while to get used to, so don't go showing it off right away. Give yourself a day or so to get used to it. Try not to spend all day in front of the mirror appearing the new Angelina or Halle staring back at you. Once you feel pretty good about it, start showing it off to a good friends and family. While they can sometimes be too honest, they'll also be the most supportive as well. After that, it's time to hit the streets and show the world the new you. Just remember to use your best "red-carpet" walk.
Ever wonder what you would look like with your favorite celebrities hair style? Just upload your picture, and we'll show you here
You with a celebrity hair style
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